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Nicole G.

Hey, My name is Nicole Garcia

I'm a full time student and part time tinkerer with a special interest in embedded systems. Take a look at my projects or learn more about me below.

About Me

Welcome! I'm currently a fifth year Computer Engineer undergaduate student at the University of California, Riverside. I spend a lot of my time researching and implementing new technologies as an Instructional Design Student Asssistant and a California Learning Lab Research Assistant at UCR.

I like to think of myself of a maker and tinkerer. My projects cover diffrent aspects in tech that interest me. Check out my resume for more about me and scroll a bit more to see some of my work!


My Skills

Quality Assurance
Embedded Systems
Articulate Storyline
Data Visulation

Projects Take a look at some of my favorite projects. These cover diffrent categories from IOT, embedded systems, computer vision and more.

Software Screenshot

Autonomous Car Race Project

This was one of my hardest and most rewarding project i've done. It's a modified off-the-shelf rc from a big box store. TLDR: It's a self driving car...kinda but it works!

I must see the car

Resume If you'd like to know more about me feel free to click below and view my resume xD